Road transport

Heavy transport solutions

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Sea freight

On course with us

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Air freight

We give your business wings

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HBH Logistics
an internationally active project forwarding company

HBH Logistics is an international project forwarding company. We specialise in the transport of oversized and heavy loads for both national and international projects in Eastern Europe in particular.
We also provide services in the assembly of heavy industrial equipment such as turbines, generators, transformers, etc. down to the very foundations. This work is performed by using either a crane or hydraulic lifting system.

Our services range from courier services to the shipment of cargo to the storage of goods.
Moreover we enable export and import clearance through German and Benelux ports. Customers benefit from our comprehensive free-to-door services, which include all the associated sea freight, air freight, barge and rail transport services within Europe and worldwide.


Do you have any questions or need an individual offer?

Just give us a call on: +49 421 – 48 99 39 – 0 or use the contact form:

Make a free request now!



We are happy to support following organisations in 2023:
Elternverein Leukämie- und Tumorkranker Kinder Bremen e.V., BILD hilft e.V.  Ein Herz für Kinder and SOS-Kinderdorf Bremen e.V.


NOVEMBER 2021 – Steam drums ex South Korea

After a longer and intensive search we shipped out 9 steam drums from South Korea to Germany.  In first instance there was no equipment available, then also no shipping space. So when we obtained info about an extra departure ex Masan we did not hesitate and immediately booked.

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