
NOVEMBER 2021 – Steam drums ex South Korea

After a longer and intensive search we shipped out 9 steam drums from South Korea to Germany.  In first instance there was no equipment available, then also no shipping space. So when we obtained info about an extra departure ex Masan we did not hesitate and immediately booked.

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September 2021 – FOB delivery of reactors

How to get reactors with weights upto 438 to, diameters of upto 11,5m and heights upto 8,4m from Deggendorf upto FOB European Seaport?  This was the riddle we received from one of our longtime Chinese partners.

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July 2021 – Let’s play Tetris

We recently had the pleasure to handle a nice project to the Indian Ocean.

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May 2021 – Autoclav to Shanghai

Another nice oversize transport completed by HBH!
We arranged the tranport of an autoclav and its accessories from Coesfeld, Germany via Rotterdam to Shanghai.

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