
NOVEMBER 2021 – Steam drums ex South Korea

4x steam drums, dim.: each 1160 x 345 x 395 cm, weight each 93,5 tns
5x steam drums, dim.: each 1070 x 345 x 395 cm, weight each 87 tns

After a longer and intensive search we shipped out 9 steam drums from South Korea to Germany.  In first instance there was no equipment available, then also no shipping space. So when we obtained info about an extra departure ex Masan we did not hesitate and immediately booked.

As a result of the present global market situation seemingly simple shipments turn to real headaches. Shipping space is extremely limited and freight rates as high as never before.

Meanwhile the shipment duly reached Bremerhaven. Here the units will be stored by us till start of the second transport leg to Russia in spring 2022.

We thank our long-time customer for this order and look forward to continuing this fruitful cooperation.


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