
Transport of a disassembled oven

HBH Logistics received the order from a Swiss client to transport a disassembled oven for the cement industry.

The oven shell was transported from Dessau, Germany, and the bearing races from Ostrava, Czech Republic, to Untervaz, Switzerland.

The oven consisted of six oven shells and two bearing races.

The oven shells and bearing races had the following dimensions:

  • 3 oven shells, each 4.68 x 4.68 x 3.10 m / 42.9 tons apiece
  • 3 oven shells, each 4.67 x 4.67 x 3.10 m / 37.2 tons apiece
  • 1 oven shell, 4.80 x 4.80 x 2.60 m / 19 tons
  • 1 oven shell 4.82 x 4.82 x 2.90 m / 26.4 tons
  • 1 bearing race, 5.53 x 5.53 x 1.05 m / 53.0 tons
  • 1 bearing race, 5.48 x 5.48 x 0.80 m / 38,0 tons

Shipment was made in two lots. The first lot consisted of the oven shells; the second of the bearing races.

Delivery of each lot was made on a specific day, as unloading was only possible with use of a crane.

The packages from the Czech Republic were the difficult part of this project, as the dimensions and weights changed again at the last minute, leaving HBH very little time to amend the permits.

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