
Transport of rail machinery from Lengerich, Germany to Egypt

HBH Logistics was commissioned to move rail machinery from Lengerich, Germany to Egypt by lorry in the shortest of times.

We received an email requesting our services on a Thursday.

The container with the machine parts had the following specifications:

  • 6.95 x 2.95 x 3.50 m / 16.0 tons

Shipping from a western port to Alexandria, Egypt normally takes about 14 days including the pre-carriage and closing.

We were able to present our client with a transport concept within one hour of receiving their first email. On the following day, we advised the client on the packaging and load securing, and were able to pick the container up on Monday.

Within seven days of loading, our vehicle arrived in Alexandria, Egypt with the cargo by ferry.
Unfortunately, customs clearance by the recipient proved problematic, and we had to wait a further 7 days at the port in Alexandria to complete the delivery. The cargo’s destination was 6th of October City.
The particular difficulty lay in the fact that assembly had to take place within the shortest of times, as a minister had announced their intention to attend opening of the plant.

Our employees were present at critical junctures – also in Egypt.

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